To be fair, the number of reasonable plot options felt especially small…
1)__a small dog, more noisy-&-decorative than useful.
2)__a large, well-trained dog.
3)__Charlotte herself could be well-trained enough to defend herself like an angry chainsaw.
I think #1 would’ve been the comedic-relief choice, #2 feels like the most logical for an urban locale, & #3 seems like the surprise option, if (for example) her relationship with her ex was more fraught with peril.
Loving her attitude in the final panels.
Reminds me of the story about the guy who started to cross the farmer’s field. He got halfway before he noticed a large bull staring implacably at him. Turning to the farmer, who was leaning calmly on the fence, he called, “Is that bull safe…?”
The farmer said, “Yup, safe as houses…”, spat to the side, & then continued, “…but you ain’t.”
I also considered having Kurt intervene, but it didn’t make sense to me that he should have been there at that point in time. And it wouldn’t have been particularly funny.
3 thoughts on “Security 05”
Well, that wasn’t much of a surprise, I guess, but I hope you got a kick out of it anyway!
To be fair, the number of reasonable plot options felt especially small…
1)__a small dog, more noisy-&-decorative than useful.
2)__a large, well-trained dog.
3)__Charlotte herself could be well-trained enough to defend herself like an angry chainsaw.
I think #1 would’ve been the comedic-relief choice, #2 feels like the most logical for an urban locale, & #3 seems like the surprise option, if (for example) her relationship with her ex was more fraught with peril.
Loving her attitude in the final panels.
Reminds me of the story about the guy who started to cross the farmer’s field. He got halfway before he noticed a large bull staring implacably at him. Turning to the farmer, who was leaning calmly on the fence, he called, “Is that bull safe…?”
The farmer said, “Yup, safe as houses…”, spat to the side, & then continued, “…but you ain’t.”
I also considered having Kurt intervene, but it didn’t make sense to me that he should have been there at that point in time. And it wouldn’t have been particularly funny.