Published On: February 25, 2024

13 thoughts on “Sophia 14 “False Witness”

  1. Oh my gosh, she is EVIL! But she also doesn’t think things through. All those windows opposite her porch. Really runs the risk of someone seeing her. And what woman would be stupid enough to carry a gas can through an apartment complex? (Face palm) You did a great job with all the posing and dialogue. Your scenes are marvelous. And your expressions…superb. They really let us know what the characters are thinking. By the way did I say that Sophia is EVIL?!?

    1. EVIL you say? 🙂

      No, she doesn’t think things through–a fact that is not lost on Lt. Nichols.

  2. I count 10 times she dissed Charlotte! lol

    1. I wasn’t keeping count. 🙂

  3. Not sure what to make of Nichols. Is he dumb enough to be taken in by all this?

    1. Time will tell. 🙂

  4. I love that last image of Sophia. Thinking her plotting is working.

  5. Wow! So good so far! I binge read the whole series today. I’m very much looking forward to the next episode! I know these do take quite some time to set up the scenes, get poses right, the lighting right, the framing right, then the post work – lots of work goes into something like this. It must be a labor of love! This is a great series and I do hope you continue it! 😀

    1. It is definitely a labor of love. Charlotte and Kurt will have many more adventures going forward. Thanks for your support.

  6. She’s pyschotic AND stupid? Not a good combo, especially with the manipulation added in. This could get really, REALLY bad. “She stole a car once you know” says the woman with absolutely no credible reason for KNOWING what’s in a set of SEALED records…good grief.

    The worst part is reading this, thinking what a caricature she is…and then realizing I know people just like her. Smashing writing, David!

    1. Ha ha! Well, Sophia is roughly based on someone I once knew, although my acquaintance was not nearly as bad as Sophia. Sophia is a “first stage thinker.” She is completely motivated by will, and never gives a thought to consequences.
      Thanks for your interest.

  7. So many red flags in that story. We’ll see whether that Lieutenant is worth his bread. At least he noticed right away that there’s something fishy.

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