Published On: May 16, 2024

12 thoughts on “Sophia 18 “The Warning”

  1. She ran to Kurt??? Now I’m starting to feel sorry for her. LOL

    1. If you mean she once again made a very poor choice, yeah.

  2. Really setting the scene for the next chapter… A little worried about whatever’s coming next!

    1. It will get worse before it gets better.

      1. Yes, but worse for WHOM?
        Will she go down in flames, or drag everyone around her down as well?
        Will her obsession turn to hatred of both of them?
        For the answers to these & many other questions…
        (_”…is that seat taken?”_)
        …tune-in for the next exciting chapter!
        😉 … 🙂

  3. Kurt should of done what any sensible husband would do CALL AND MAKE SURE! 🙂

    1. My instinct would be to make that phone call…
      …”911, what is your emergency?”
      “There’s a crazy arsonist lady who wants me to hide her from the police!”

    2. Kurt’s not a husband yet. Still in basic training. 😀

  4. Can you actually be charged with arson for burning your own property?

    Attempting to frame somebody has got to be some kind of crime, but I don’t think it’s arson.

    1. I believe you can. Especially in this case where the fire could easily spread from one property to another. I think that’s Sophia’s biggest legal vulnerability

    2. Obviously if you burn down your own house that’s arson. Don’t know if there’s a difference for small fires.

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