Published On: June 3, 2024

10 thoughts on “Sophia 19 “Face Off”

  1. In the next chapter, I hope to discover that Charlotte didn’t immediately confront her at the door…
    … rather, she first set up her phone’s camera function & pointed it at the door.
    They can only benefit from a timestamped recording of this confession, which can be immediately posted to the police.
    It doesn’t need to be courtroom evidence, as long as it helps police to catch this firebug.

    1. Hi DMC_Run
      The police already have surveillance pictures, so the case is pretty much air-tight.

      1. Oh, I’m not saying it proves her guilt (no need for that, as you said), but it might help identify where she plans to flee after this, which might help the police to catch her faster.

  2. Tee up your ass and punt it all the way to Vermont! LOL 😀

  3. You said Kurt has a long fuse but I think it’s just about fizzled out.

    1. He’s just getting started. 😉

  4. The drama unfolds… 😮

  5. Good thing she committed an actual crime way back when, because I haven’t seen her confess to the arson/attempted arson and she hasn’t made any direct threats (not that threats are a guarantee that she’d be arrested). Time for the emergency restraining order. 😀

    1. All will be resolved soon, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up feeling a little sorry for Sophia. 🙂

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