Published On: May 4, 2024

6 thoughts on “Sophia 17 “Good News!”

  1. Phew. So at least this bit has been cleared up for Charlotte. I feel her relief! I’m glad Mr. Armstrong was thorough in his explanation, so that Charlotte and we know that there’s no way this is going to come back in any form or way. But Sophia’s not through with them yet? Sigh. I guess it was asking for too much to see the back of her… : ) Excellent approach to this chapter once again. Great details and camera work. Top notch, David!

    1. The walls are closing in on Sophia, but that only makes her nuttier! 😀

      1. @David:
        I’d use a different word than “nuttier”…
        …a cornered animal is MORE dangerous, if they feel like they have nothing left to lose.
        For all we know, she could become this story’s version of “Count Olaf”, from the Lemony Snicket books,

        1. DMC_Run, you have a point. But Sophia isn’t in a position where she has nothing to lose. She’s in a position where she could lose everything.
          Thanks for your interest. 🙂

  2. Another great chapter! You do such a great job with details and creating the exact tone of each scene, David. Very impressive.

    1. Thanks, Miss K. Glad you’re enjoying it. 🙂

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