Published On: January 20, 2024

6 thoughts on “Sophia 01 “The Open House”

  1. Great start to a wonderful graphic novel. Very easy to follow along.

    1. Glad you’re enjoying it! 🙂

  2. Great start! It really draws the reader in. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, 3Diva!

  3. I clicked in from TWC.
    On your front page,, this page is listed under Latest Collections. I would suggest you move it to a new section labeled “Start Here”, preferably at the very top, since you don’t want to make your potential readers give up before they even give it a try. You could also consider changing the link on any future ads so that people come straight to

    1. Hi Bob,

      Thanks very much for your interest and thank you for your suggestions. My only issue with directing the reader to start with “Sophia” is that the comic is a series of different stories rather than one contiguous timeline, so the reader can start with any story they want. “Panic Time” does not necessarily follow “Sophia.” However, I did add a menu item called “Start Here” for anyone who wants to start with “Sophia.” But you do have a point with linking the ads to “The Open House” as those are likely new readers. I do very much appreciate your interest and thoughtful comments.

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